Sunday, November 16, 2008

LEGO Indina Jones Walkthrough- Raiders of the Lost Ark, Level 1: The Lost Temple

Indiana Jones and Satipo, in Lego form.

Unlocked Characters
38x38Indy: Carries a whip used for swinging across areas, or pull levers.
38x38Satipo: Carries a shovel to unearth materials.
38x38Jock: Carries a wrench to fix broken machines.
38x38Hovitos Tribesman: 18,000 studs
38x38Barranca: 18,000 studs
38x38Belloq (Jungle): 50,000 studs
38x38Jungle Guide: 18,000 studs

Free Play Character Recommendations
Bozooka Trooper (raiders or crusade)
Indiana Jones
Belloq (Jungle)
Jock, Willie.

Mail Parcel Unlockable
Fast Fix

Easter Egg
38x38C3PO (Star Wars Character 1 of 5)


Crossing the Broken Bridges
Run to the left and walk behind the tree to pick up the first treasure chest. Switch to Satipo, spot the shimmering area on the ground, and have him unearth the first of three golden totems with his shovel. Use the vine to swing across the broken bridge to the other side.

The first of the totems is buried left of your starting location.

Use Indiana Jones to swing across the second broken bridge, break the Lego box to have a vine swing towards Satipo, allowing him to swing across to Indiana's location.

Have Indiana swing across the broken bridge by using his whip while standing on this orange platform.

Switch to Satipo and have him unearth the Lego pile in the sparkling area with his shovel. Assemble the Lego parts, pick up the object you made, carry it to the highlighted area to your right, and drop the object to create a bridge.

Satipo can fix one of the bridges by digging up the parts with his shovel.

The Three Lego Statues
Destroy the middle statue - the one without any orange around the mouth -- to uncover a shiny area for Satipo to unearth, uncovering the second golden totem.

The Stone Wall
Have Satipo use his shovel on the shiny area in front of the wall to unearth a statue. Pick up the statue, and carry it over to the slot on the far side of the wall marked with a blue arrow (pictured). Push this statue into the slot, then press the statue on the right side of the wall into the slot, lowering a section of the wall.

Satipo can solve this puzzle by himself with no help needed from Indy.

Third Golden Totem
Before you continue through the wall, climb down the ladder at the bottom of the screen, walk along the ledge to the far left, and use Satipo's shovel to unearth the third golden totem. That will make the second treasure chest appear. Proceed back up the ladder and through the open wall.

The Riverbed
Assemble the Lego parts on the edge of the riverbed to create a raft. Select Satipo and jump onto the raft. Guide the raft to the wooden boat pier on the right side of the river, and jump off.

Satipo is the only one who can control the raft with his shovel.

Run up the rocks to the far left, pull the lever to open a passageway into the waterfall below. Return to where you'd parked the raft, jump on it, and guide it through the waterfall. it is fun to Wressel with the Alogators.

Satipo can pull the switch, opening up the passageway into the waterfall.

Behind the Waterfall
Inside the cave, the platform will jut out the wall when you pull on the lever. Jump on the platform, go towards the upper area of the cave, and pick up the third treasure chest. Leave the cave the same way you came in: via the wooden raft. Guide the raft to the same wooden pier from earlier and jump off the raft. Walk behind the rocks to pick up the fourth treasure chest.

The Cave
Grab one of the vines hanging down from the pillars outside of the cave and the other character will grab the opposite vine. Enter the cave.

Have Satipo and Indy each grab a vine to open up the passageway into the cave.

Jump on the ladder to your left, select Indiana Jones, and use the whip to swing across to the next area. Pick up the wooden box, carry it to the switch marked with a blue arrow, and drop it on top of the button switch to lower the spikes on the platform below. Stand on the button switch on the far left, allowing Satipo to jump across the two platforms without spikes.

Stand on the first two pressure switches, and then the last one, to allow Satipo safe passage below your location.

Have Indiana Jones stand on the button switch on the far right. Satipo will pull the crank lever, lowering the spikes on all platforms. Jump down to that location, across each the platform, and go to the far right location.

Indy's whip can be used to pull levers and switches from far away.

Have Indiana Jones stand use his whip on the lever protected by the spikes (pictured), create a ladder from these Lego pieces, and climb it. Before you go up the ladder, walk around to the right side of this area, follow the path behind the rocks, and pick up the fifth treasure chest.

Stand on each of the dark grey plates to have the passageway open before you.

Climb the vine, jump to your right, and run across the bridge. Quickly run across the bridge, jump on top of each of the four dark grey square tiles to open the passageway into the next area.

The Idol Room
Pull the vine above you, pick up the Lego crank, carry it to the nearby switch, and turn the crank. Walk across the stone platform towards the idol, triggering a cut-scene.

After you obtain the crank from the box above you, insert it into the device, turn it, and align the stone pillars allowing you access to the idol.

C-3PO is the first of five hidden Star Wars characters.

Free Play
: Switch to a rocket trooper and destroy the shiny metal gate on the far right side of this room. Walk through the open doorway into the secret room. You can pick up the sixth treasure chest, and C-3PO, the first Lego Star Wars character (collect all five characters to unlock Han Solo as a playable character in Free Play Mode).

Escape the Lost Temple
Run through the entrance at the top of the screen, jump, and grab the vine hanging over the ravine. Swing across the ravine.

At the bottom of the hill, have Satipo and Indy each grab a vine, allowing a totem to crash through the wall to your right, towards the exit from the temple.

You need a Thuggee to communicate with the large statue.

Free Play: At the bottom of the slope, switch to the Thuggee, and interact with the four-armed statue. This will reduce the spikes below your location. Drop off the ledge to the lower level and run to the left. You'll pass a red mail box. Continue left, stop in front of the glass case, switch to a female character, and have her scream to break the glass. Switch to Indiana Jones, use his whip to retrieve the Fast Fix mail, and return it to the mailbox you passed earlier.

Have Willie use her scream ability to break the glass, and then pick up the parcel.

Continue left until you come across the hieroglyphic wall carving. Switch to Bellac (Jungle) and have him interpret the symbols on the wall. It will display a sequence of four shapes. Follow the sequence, a game similar to Simon Says, for a bridge to rise. Walk across the bridge and into the open room, and pick up the seventh treasure chest.

Run down the slope to the right. Dodge the totems rolling down the slope by running into one of the nooks along the wall. Jump and grab the vine across the ravine. Swing across the ravine, land on the right side, and grab one of the two vines hanging from the ceiling. Satipo will automatically grab the other vine. Run through the newly opened passageway.

Run from the Boulder
The bolder isn't going as fast you might think, so don't panic when running through this area, or else you'll jump into a spike pit. You must jump over each of the spike pits in order to pick up the eighth treasure chest.

Run for your life! And don't fall into any of the spike holes. If that happens, read our glitch below.

SPIKE GLITCH: If you're falling into a spike pit, quickly press Y/Triangle to switch to a character that isn't stuck in the spike pit. You'll cause a glitch, and restart in the area with the boulder chase

Fix the Airplane
Before you collect the engine parts, run over to the far left area, and pick up the ninth treasure chest hiding among the bushes. Pick up the first box of engine parts, and place them on the green Lego squares. The second box is on top of a wooden post. Use Indy's whip to grab it, carry it over to the green Lego squares.

Assemble the airplane to end this level.

Free Play: The tenth treasure chest is trapped behind the teeth of the giant Lego skull statue, near the spawn location of the Hovitos Tribesmen. Switch to the rocket trooper, and fire at the statue to open its mouth. Enter through the mouth and pick up the ninth treasure chest. pick up a spear to do this in story mode.

Switch to Jock, assemble the parts, jump on top of the airplane, and use his wrench to fix the airplane engine completing the level.


Treasure Chest Locations

Collect all of the chests to assemble the Giant Hovitos Statue in the Barnett College Museum.

Behind the tree and to the left of your starting location.
Appears after you unearth the third golden totem.
After you guide the raft to the boat pier on the right side of the river, jump off it, and walk behind the rocks to pick up the third treasure chest.
Inside the waterfall cave, pull the lever to cause a platform to jut out from the wall. Jump onto the platform up to the upper area of the cave, and pick up the fourth treasure chest.
Before you climb up the ladder inside the cave, walk around to the right side of the area, follow the path behind the rocks, and pick up the fifth treasure chest.
Switch to a rocket trooper and destroy the shiny metal gate on the far right side of the room with the idol. Walk through this open doorway into the secret room and pick up the sixth treasure chest.
200x200 Walk across the bridge that rises up after you've interpreted the hieroglyphics on the left of the red mailbox. Walk through the door into the room and pick up the seventh treasure chest.
200x200 While running away from the boulder, don't fall into the spike pits, and you'll run into the eighth treasure chest in front of the exit from the temple.
200x200 Have your rocket trooper shoot at the giant LEGO skull statue, near the spawn location of the Hovitos Tribesmen. Pick up the treasure chest inside the skulls mouth.
200x200 Before you collect the airplane's engine parts, run over to the far left area in the bushes, and pick up the tenth treasure chest hiding among the bushes.

Mail Parcel Location

After you've passed the room with the idol, run to the bottom of the slope, switch to the Thuggee Acolyte, and interact with the four-armed statue. This will reduce the spikes below your location. Drop off the ledge to the lower level and run to the left. You’ll pass a red mail box.


Continue left, stop in front of the glass case, switch to Willie, and have her scream so the glass breaks. Switch to Indiana Jones, use his whip to retrieve the Fast Fix mail, and return it to the mailbox you passed earlier. This will allow you to purchase the Fast Fix ability from the mailroom in
Barnett College

Star Wars Easter Egg

The Star Wars character C3-PO is inside the room with the sixth treasure chest. Punch him to pick up the first of five hidden characters.


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